May 17, 2006 News updated.
May 5, 2006 Reiner Meistersinger (Orfeo) added.
May 2, 2006 Böm 1956 Tannhäuser and Reiner 1950 Tristan (both Walhall Eternity) and Knappertsbusch 1950-51 Meistersinger (Naxos) added.
April 27, 2006 Cortese Tristan (Titanic Records) and Knappertsbusch 1956 Ring (Orfeo) added.
April 26, 2006 Ehrling Walküre (Caprice) and Pappano Tristan (EMI) added.
April 25, 2006 Leinsdorf 1943 Lohengrin, Segerstam Tristan and Zagrosek Rheingold (all Naxos), Schüchter Holländer, Stiedry Lohengrin, Reiner and Konwitschny Tristan, Knappertsbusch 1955 Meistersinger, Knappertsbusch 1952 and 1954 and Krauss Parsifal, Keilberth 1953 Ring, Kleiber and Schüchter Rheingold, Denzler Walküre and Knappertsbusch 1951 and 1955 Götterdämmerung (all Cantus Classics), Sawallisch 1959 Holländer, Keilberth and Sawallisch 1972 Tannhäuser and Krauss Ring (all Opera d'Oro) added.
April 23, 2006 Keilberth 1953 Ring and Schmidt-Isserstedt Walküre Act 1 (Andromeda), Keilberth 1955 Siegfried added. Andromeda added to Label Index.
April 22, 2006 Knappertsbusch Holländer, Ludwig and Cluytens Tannhäser, Stiedry Lohengrin, Kempe Tristan, Jochum 1949 and Reiner 1955 Meistersinger, Schüchter Rheingold, Keilberth 1955 Barcelona and Denzler Walküre (all Walhall) added. Walhall Eternity added to Label Index. Slight changes to the menu. New Releases and Rumours now in one section called News.
June 25, 2005 Sawallisch 1959 Holländer, Maazel 1960 Lohengrin, Böhm 1962 Tristan, Cluytens 1956 Meistersinger, Keilberth 1952 Ring and 1954 Walküre, Knappertsbusch 1951 Götterdämmerung and 1959 Parsifal (all Golden Melodram) added.
November 10, 2004 Parry Holländer, Cluytens Tannhäuser (Orfeo), Schüchter Lohengrin (Walhall), Heger (Cantus), Karajan (DS) and Smith Tristan, Furtwängler (M&A) and Reiner (Cantus) Meistersinger and Stiedry Parsifal (Walhall) added. "New Releases" and "Rumours" updated.
August 17, 2004 Ackermann Rheingold (Cantus), Maazel Walküre Act 1, Segerstam Holländer (DVD) added, Menu rearranged.
August 16, 2004 Furtwängler Meistersinger (Walhall Eternity) added.
June 20, 2004 Fricsay Holländer (Preiser), Busch Lohengrin (Cantus), Jochum Lohengrin, E. Kleiber Tristan (Cantus, Walhall), Jochum Tristan (Archipel), Rodzinsky Tristan and Janowski Ring added.
May 26, 2004 Completed the Zagrosek Ring in the Videography.
May 12, 2004 Changed Orchestra and Chorus to Spanish on Teatro Colón recordings. "New Releases" and "Rumours" updated.
May 10, 2004
- Complete re-design of the site.
- 1 Holländer, 1 Lohengrin, 5 Tristan, 1 Parsifal, 2 Rheingold, and 1 Walküre added to the Discography.
- Lots of re-released recordings added.
- Levine Tristan and Zagrosek Rheingold, Walküre, and Siegfried added to the Videography.
- 2 reviews added.
- Pictures of covers to some recordings of Holländer andTannhäuser.
- House index added to the search section.
- Corrections here and there
July 12, 2003
- Links to the Artist and Label Index placed in the Discography.
- 1 Tannhäuser, 2 Lohengrin, 4 Tristan, 2 Meistersinger, 1 Parsifal, 5 Rheingold, 8 Walküre, 6 Siegfried, 6 Götterdämmerung, and 2 Rings added to the Discography.
- 1 Lohengrin added to the Videography.
- 35 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- 35 artists added to the Artist Index.
- "News and rumours", "New releases" and Links updated.
- The usual corrections here and there
March 23, 2003
- New URL: www.wagnerdiscography.com!
- Re-design with menu moved to the left.
- 1 Holländer, 1 Tannhäuser, 1 Lohengrin, 2 Parsifal, 2 Walküre, and 2 Rings added to the discography.
- 35 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- 2 Tannhäuser, 2 Lohengrin, 2 Tristan, 1 Meistersinger, 2 Parsifal, and 1 Ring added to the videography.
- 3 reviews added.
- 2 labels added to the Label Index.
- "News and rumours", "New releases" and Links updated.
- The usual corrections here and there.
August 18, 2002
- 1 Lohengrin, 2 Tristan, 2 Meistersinger, 1 Parsifal, 1 Walküre, and 1 Götterdämmerung added to the discography.
- 24 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- 2 reviews added.
- 7 labels added to the Label Index.
- 3 artists added to the Artist Index.
- "News and rumours", "New releases" and Links updated.
- The usual corrections here and there.
May 22, 2002
- 1 Tannhäuser & 1 Rheingold added to the discography.
- 12 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- Videography started with 9 recordings added.
- Artist index with 27 artists added.
- 3 reviews added.
- "News and rumours" and "New releases" updated.
- As usual, corrections here and there.
April 2, 2002
- 7 new recordings added. 2 Tannhäuser, 2 Tristan, 2 Parsifal, and 1 Rheingold.
- 9 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- Re-design of whole site, colors changed.
- Help section replaced with review section. 45 reviews added.
- "News and rumours", "New releases" and link section updated.
- Corrections "here and there".
November 11, 2001
- 8 new recordings added - 1 Holländer, 1 Tristan, 2 Walküre, 1 Götterdämmerung, and 3 Rings.
- 11 recordings re-released by new labels added.
- Mike Richter's CD-ROMs "The Operas of Richard Wagner" and "Opera from Bayreuth" added.
- Cantus Classics, Decca, Deutsche Grammophon, EMI, Gebhardt, MYTO, and Philips added to Label index.
- Help section and Discussion board added.
- "News and rumours", "New releases" and link sections updated.
- Small corrections "here and there".
September 12, 2001
- Naxos 1930 Elmendorff Tannhäuser, Gebhardt 1949 Schröder Tannhäuser, Melodram 1967 Sawallisch Tannhäuser, Melodram 1955 Reiner Meistersinger, Cantus 1948 Zillig Rheingold, Preiser 1950 Schröder Rheingold, and Ars 1998 Paternostro Siegfried added.
- Pearl and Preiser discographies added.
- "News and rumours"- and "New releases"-sections updated.
- Small corrections "here and there".
August 18, 2001
- Breisach 1944 Tannhäuser, Stiedry 1951 Ring, and Neuhold Ring from 1993-95 added.
- Help-section added to the menu.
- "News and rumours"- and "New releases"-sections updated.
- Small corrections "here and there".
July 25, 2001. Knappertsbusch 1952 and 1961 Bayreuth Parsifals added. Sawallisch Tannhäser from 1972 added. Beecham Tristan added. "News and rumours"- and "New releases"-sections updated. VAI Audio added in the Label index. VAI Audio Reiner/Tristan confirmed as being the same as on Naxos.
July 15, 2001. Major changes "behind the scenes". First- and "News and rumours"-sections added. Label index begun. Some corrections and additions in the discography. The Beecham/Reiner/Tristans (EMI, Grammofono 2000, Meldoram, Radio Years and VAI Audio) temporarily removed for investigation.
June 2, 2001. Goodall Ring completed.
May 18, 2001. 1 Tristan and 1 Rheingold added plus updates and corrections here and there.
May 17, 2001. No-frames version removed. Goodall Ring added.
May 9, 2001. 1 Tannhäuser, 1 Meistersinger, and 1 Ring added. Updates in Holländer, Tannhäuser, and Lohengrin discographies.
May 5, 2001. Search function added!
May 4, 2001. Total improvement (hopefully) of the entire site. Updates in all discographies and added recordings in the Ring discography.
March 21, 2001. Updates in several discographies. 1 Tannhäuser, 2 Walküre, and 1 Siegfried added.
March 17, 2001. Updates in all discographies and 1 Siegfried added.
March 14, 2001. Updates in Tannhäuser, Lohengrin, Meistersinger, Siegfried, and Götterdämmerung discographies.
March 12, 2001. Complete re-design of the site and updates in Tristan and Ring discographies.